The Chemchemi Nursery and Primary School is located in Nkuhungu North, Dodoma Urban. The school is situated in an area of 3.41 hectares. Currently the school is of medium size accommodating children from Nursery, Pre School, Primary School up to Standard Seven. The school has more than 700 children on roll and is currently over-subscribed.
The school is accessible by road from Dodoma city centre. The school is well-served by all utilities: Water, Electricity Telephone and Internet.
Chemchemi Nursery an Primary School aims to provide a high quality, affordable education for all children who attend. We pride ourselves on the broad and balanced curriculum. We provide for our pupils, the high standard of teaching, learning and assessment. We value all our pupils and we believe that their time at Chemchemi Nursery and Primary School should be rewarding and successful, with all pupils realising their full potential as indivduals and members of the wider society.